Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nothing Says "Merry Christmas" Like Some Engrish

What does this Christmas card say, you might ask, since my digital camera refuses to properly focus and I am too lazy to keep trying?

What it says is "Special wishes for this Christmas season is filled with all your favorite" All your favorite what, you might wonder. Who knows? Who cares? Whatever it is, it sounds good to me. Perhaps it's meant to be inclusive, just in case you don't want your favorite food, or favorite people, or favorite joy. Perhaps you might be a bit of a Scrooge and want your favorite moment of misanthropy. Well, friends, this card might just be for you then!

Ah, I love Engrish. Check this loveliness out:

"If God gives me a superpower / I want to be a transparent man / I want to go inside to the classroom"

"will likely be deported to a third country before coming... / I want to hit bad men. I will be hero of the world. / And I want to see a movie for free. I will be happy."

"Pink road Happyness in your life / Happyness in your life / Happyness in your life"

"Be Happy / My Tears ------> Don't Worry"

Ah, Engrish. For those not in the know, this term is used to refer to the bad or completely nonsensical English that can be found all over T-shirts, notebooks, and just about everything else made in non-English speaking countries, particularly Asia, where R and L are often a blended sound, thus difficult for people to pronounce. My favourite recent t-shirt sighting is that of an old woman wearing a shirt from Giordanos saying "Barely Legal. Please wait for me." You have to laugh, cause there are so many reasons to cry...

What better way to write in your lovely journal than with a pen with a bowl of noodles on the top of it? It's a good thing I don't shop in Morning Glory often (hee! Check out the Engrishness of the name of that shop alone!), cause I'd spend my entire salary on randomness.

My Christmas card hunt certainly produced some beauties, though.

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