Wednesday, April 01, 2009

If a Computer Isn't Connected to the Internet... it really a computer?

Hahahaha on me. Life is evil - I finally get why my internet box magically worked for me. It's the same company I used before, so I already had the access codes. The new computer doesn't. It looks like I'm going to have to pay for internet. In the meantime, I'll be watching lots of DVDs, I guess.

Gertrude is lovely though. She's much lighter than Chester and a bit smaller. She's also all black, though the Windows background is a nice stand of bamboo. Seems fitting, though I sort of miss Chester's baby eating a dog pic.

If the names seem odd to you, well they are. When Kari was pregnant with Emily, my mother came up with two names they'd never use and started to refer to the fetus as Chester-Gertrude.

At least now no one thinks I named my computer after that Sloan song...

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