Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I think I am Weird

On the basis of my friends. In the past couple of days, I have:

*called a friend at 1am on a monday morning and invited her to go singing with me, and she got dressed and came.

*seen pictures of a friend dressed in a pilgrim hat in every single picture she took at plymouth rock.

*learned that another friend ordered the pilgrim hat on the internet to ensure that C's wish to wear a goofy hat in photos wouldn't go unfulfilled. after all, we can't just leave goofy hat wearing on vacations to chance... or can we?


Jen said...

maybe. or maybe you're just not very discerning about who you're friends with. Or you could be a freak magnet. After all, you are friends with me, and I'm definitely bizarre!

Jen said...

by the way, speaking of freak magnets, check out: http://diaryofafreakmagnet.blogspot.com/ She will be next to host the Carnival of Feminists (but read her latest post about it, I need to go get laundry and get the garbage out. oi, was that ironic? actually, I do need to go get MY laundry and then finish studying for my last comp.)