Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Okay then!

I received this email:

blog damn it, BLOG!


And since I like to please, here we go!

Last weeeknd was pretty par for the course. On Friday, we had pizza at Julie's, and then the boys took off and the girls watched Project Runway. Saturday I was in Itaewon, sorted out my phone, bought three books from Abbey's and waited to meet up with Laura. We had lunch at Geckos and then went shopping in Insadong, as I have a number of presents I need to send. After a quick trip home to shower, Laura, YunJin and I went to Hongdae. Had a drink at Route 66 and then went to a norae bong and sang for an hour or so. It was fun, regardless of my total lack of singing skills.

Sunday Laura and I decided to try some new food by choosing a random restaurant and pointing to something on the menu. While it wasn't ALL bad, I can't say I'll eat whatever we had ever again. I think the meat was pork and there was this sausage-like thing, except it was filled with rice and noodles. The non-fatty parts of the meat and the saugsage thing were fine. Then the soup. The broth part was fine, some of the meat was okay, but some looked soooooo weird. I have no idea what it was! Wish I had had my camera on me! We went to Starbucks after and then to Yongsan with Julie. Julie bought movies, Laura got a phone, and I was just along for the ride.

Not long till Lindsay arrives and then we head to Thailand!!!

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