Longer Songs
Fornication, I like fornication,
Fornication, I like to fornicate.
How I like it on my knees (How she likes it on her knees!) (each hasher adds a line)
On my knees (On her knees)
Fornicate! (Fornicate!)
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Melody – Alouette
Actions: An unsuspecting female participant (often a virgin who is then scared away and never returns again) is needed for this song. When one is selected, she is asked to stand on a chair. When a feature is highlighted, all those singing then point out that part on the participant.
Alouette, gentille Alouette,
Alouette je te plumerai.
Leader: Does she have ze stringy hair?
All: Oui, she has ze stringy hair.
Leader: Stringy hair,
All: Stringy hair,
Leader: Alouette! Aah, aah, aah, aah . . . (chorus)
Leader: Does she have ze furrowed brow?
All: Oui, she has ze furrowed brow,
Leader: Furrowed brow,
All: Furrowed brow,
Leader: Stringy hair,
All: Stringy hair,
Leader: Alouette! Aah, aah, aah, ahh . . . (chorus)
Wooden eye (Yes I would!) . . .
Broken nose . . .
Blow job lips . . .
Two buck teeth . . .
Double chin . . .
Swinging tits . . .
Beer belly . . .
Cum dumpster . . .
Furry thing . . .
Thunder Thighs . . .
Knobby Knees . . .
Cankle Fat . . .
Ingrown Toes . . .
Leader: Now isn’t she a nice-a girl?
All: Oui, she is a nice-a girl,
Leader: Nice-a girl,
All: Nice-a girl,
Leader: Alouette! Aah, aah, aah . . .
Free beer for all the hashers;
Free beer for all the hashers;
Free beer for all the hashers;
Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves!
Optional Verses:
Jesus can’t go hashing ’cause he’s nailed upon the cross;
All the harriettes love Jesus ’cause he’s hung like this (spread out arms);
Jesus don’t need flour ’cause he lays the trail in blood;
Don’t give your beer to Jesus ’cause he’ll turn it into wine;
Jesus won’t come hashing because Judas pissed him off;
Jesus can’t go hashing ’cause he’s only got 12 friends.
Jesus can’t go hashing, he’s got shiggy on his head.
Jesus can’t go hashing ’cause his wood is just too big.
Jesus can’t go hashing ’cause his dad knows all the trails.
Jesus can’t go hashing ’cause his wife is such a whore.
Jesus we're only kidding...
Days of the Week
(Tuesday changes each verse, and the entire thing changes on Sunday.)
Leader: Today is Monday!
All: Today is Monday!
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
CHORUS: Leader: Are we having a good time?
All: You bet your ass we are!
All: (raise cups over heads and make one complete turn while humming) Da da dut da da, da da dut da da
Leader: Today is Tuesday!
All: Today is Tuesday!
Leader: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Leader: Today is Wednesday!
All: Today is Wednesday!
Leader: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
All: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Leader: Tuesday is a hand day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a hand day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Leader: Today is Thursday!
All: Today is Thursday!
Leader: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
All: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
Leader: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
All: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Leader: Tuesday is a fist day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a fist day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Leader: Today is Friday!
All: Today is Friday!
Leader: Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions, cheering, happiness)
All: Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions, cheering, happiness)
Leader: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
All: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
Leader: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
All: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Leader: Tuesday is a foot day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a foot day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Leader: Today is Saturday!
All: Today is Saturday!
Leader: Saturday is a hashing day! (running motions, cheering, happiness)
All: Saturday is a hashing day! (running motions, cheering, happiness)
Leader: Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions, cheering, happiness)
All: Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions, cheering, happiness)
Leader: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
All: Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
Leader: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
All: Wednesday is a hmmmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Leader: Tuesday is a leg day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a leg day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
Leader: Today is Sunday!
All: Today is Sunday!
Leader: Sunday is a day of rest.
All: Sunday is a day of rest.
Leader: Because... Saturday is a hashing day!
All: Saturday is a hashing day!
Leader: Friday is a hashing day!
All: Friday is a fucking day!
Leader: Thursday is a hashing day!
All: Thursday is a hashing day!
Leader: Wednesday is MY FAVORITE DAY!
All: Wednesday is MY FAVORITE DAY!
Leader: Tuesday is a hashing day!
All: Tuesday is a hashing day!
Leader: And Monday's still a wanking day!
All: Monday's still a wanking day!
All: (raise cups over heads and make one complete turn while humming) Da da dut da da, da da dut da da
The Moose Song
When I was a young lad I used to like girls,
I'd play with their titties and fondled their curls,
'Till my lady ran off with a lowlife named Bruce,
Now I've never been treated that way by a moose.
Moose, moose, I love a moose,
I've never had anything quite like a moose,
My life's been exciting,
My women've been loose,
But nothing compares to the love of a moose.
Now when I'm in need for a very good lay,
I go to the closet and pull out some hay,
I open the window and spread it around,
'Cause moose always come when there's hay on the ground.
Well gorillas are fine for a Saturday night,
And lions and tigers, they put up a fight,
But it just ain't the same when you slams your caboose
As the feeling you gets when you hump with a moose.
Now I've made it with all kinds of beasties with hair,
I'd do it with snakes if their fangs were not there,
I've made it with walrus, two ducks and a goose,
But I've never had anything quite like a moose.
Now that I'm old and spent all my years,
I'll have you to know that I shed no tears,
While I lay by the fire with a glass of Mateus,
Playing hide the salami with Melva the Moose.
Hash Virgin Serenade(To: Ball of Kerrymuir)
Four and twenty virgins,
Came out to this old hash,
And when the hash was over,
There were four and twenty less.
Singing, balls to your partner,
Arse against the wall
.If ye canna get laid at this old hash,
Ye'll never get laid at all.
This fine young virgin she was there,
She had drank a bit too much,
Showing us her titties,
But sayin' we couldna touch.
This cocky virgin he was there,
Drinking Old Milwaukee's Best,
Showing the girls his tiny dick,
The girls they weren't impressed.
This other virgin she was there,
Talkin' 'bout givin' head,
But when it came to swallowin',
She would spit instead.
This other virgin he was there,
Askin' 'bout toe sucks,
The harriettes frowned and then they said,
"What do you want for three bucks?"
The other virgin SHE was there,
Givin' us all a great view,
While dancing on the table,
She said she'd do the crew.
This other virgin HE was there,
Getting drunk as he could be
,And by the time the circle broke up
,He'd pissed a gallon of pee.
This fine young virgin she was there,
With legs all firm and tan,
Her shorts rode up her ass so tight,
They squeaked whenever she ran.
Wild West Show(This is best done by forming a circle andhaving hashers taking turns being theAnnouncer.)
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! In this cage we have theU-rang-u-tang.
Pack: The U-rang-u-tang. Fantastic! Incredible! No shit! Tell us about it motherfucker!
The U-rang-u-tang is an animal that lives in thejungles of North Borneo and it has balls that aremade of brass, so that when it goes swinging fromtree to tree, it's balls go u-tang, u-tang,u-tang, u-tang.
Ohhhh, we're off to see the Wild West Show-o-oo,
The elephants and kang-a-roo-ooos,
No matter what the weather,
As long as we're together,
We're off to see the Wild West Show-o-oo!
The next hasher becomes the announcer as above, substituting the name of the next attraction inplace of the U-rang-u-tang.
2 The Wild Man of Borneo lives in the mountainsand once a year he comes down to eat. Once everytwo years he comes down to shit and once everythree years he comes down for sex.
Member of Pack: No wonder they call him thefucking wild manof Borneo!
3 The Ooaah bird is a bird that lives in therocky desert of North Africa. It has balls thislong and legs this short so that each time itcomes in for a landing it goes, "Oo-aah, Oo-aah,Oo-aah!"
4 The Asstrich lives in the deserts of Africa andwhenever it sees its enemies, it buries its headin the sand and offers its ass.
5 The Porcupine is the only animal in the worldthat has a thousand and one pricks.
6 The Elephant has a ginormous appetite. In oneday it easts two tons of sugar cane, one dozenbundles of bananas and twenty buckets or rice.Miss, don't stand too near the elephant'sbackside. Miss! Miss! Too late! Harry, dig herout.
7 The Winky Wanky bird, by some strange fate ofnature, has the nervous system of its sexualorgans connected to that of its eyelids, soeverytime it wanks it winks. Hey lady! Stopthrowing sand into that bird's eyes.
8 The Fuckawee tribe is found in the grasslandsof Africa. They are this short and the grass isthis tall, so that everytime they get lost, theywill shout, "Where the fuck-ah-wee, where thefuck-ah-wee?"
9 The Gee-raffe is the only animal in the worldthat can walk into a bar and say, "The high-ballsare on me!"
10 The Le-o-pard is the only animal in the worldthat has one spot for each day of the year.
Member of Pack: What about leapyear?Announcer: Stupid, you just lift up its tail.
11 The Rhinosauras is reputed to be the richestanimal in the world. It's name is derived fromthe Latin- rhino, meaning money; and sore-ass,meaning piles... hence piles of money.
12 The Baiyee is like a long playing record.First you play it on this side (points tocrotch of opposite member of sex), then youflip it over (turns demonstrator around) and playthe other side (points to the demonstrator's ass).
13 The Brr-Brr bird is a distant relative of theOohaah bird and lives in the Antartic. When itlands, it drags its balls and says, "Brr, brr!"
14 The Sabertooth Tiger is a thousand pound pussythat can eat you!
15 The Khetat-Khetat bird is also a distantrelative of the Oohaah bird. It has one ball madeof brass and the other made of lead, so that whenit lands, its balls make the sound, "Khe-tat,Khe-tat, Khe-tat, Khe-tat!"
16 The Tattooed Lady has "FIRE" tattooed on onethigh and "BRIMSTONE" on the other and every oncein a while she makes some poor soul go down tohell.
17 The Gazelle farts as it leaps from place toplace and scientists are still trying to discoverwhether it farts because it leaps or leaps becauseit farts.
18 (In this tank...) The Oct-i-pussy cansuck you all over.
19 The Homosexual Sparrow will fly backwards fora lark.
20 The Tom Cat is the only pussy with a dick.
21 The Little White Rabbit keeps jumping fromhole to hole to hole.
22 The Hare follows the little white rabbit andplugs his hole.
23 The Hash Hound follows the hare and the littlewhite rabbit and and tags them both.
24 The Go-rilla a big monkey who can fuckanything it wants.
Member of Pack: Hey, mister, I thought Go-rillaswere apes?Announcer: Step inside here, Sonny, and see if hecan make a monkey out of you.
Follow the Hare
Drink a little bit,
Fuck a little bit,
Follow the hare,
Follow the hare with your ass in the air!
Drink a little bit,
Fuck a little bit,
Follow the hare,
Follow the hare all the way!
My girlfriend's a hasher, a hasher, a hasher,
A mighty fine hasher is she,(pack echoes, "Is she!")
All day long she lays trail,She lays trail, she lays trail,
And when she comes home she lays me.
(Substitute the following combinations for more verses.)
Harriers' Verses:
Glassblower/she blows glass/blows me.
Mail clerk/licks stamps/licks me.
Waitress/makes tips/tips me.
Singer/hums tunes/hums me.
Nurse/takes temps/takes me.
Prostitute/fucks you/goes to sleep.
Gymnist/strides poles/strides mine.
Typist/pecks keys/pecks me
Baker/kneads bread/needs me.
Dancer/does steps/does me.
Asthmatic/sucks air/sucks me.
Harriettes' Verses:
Cowboy/rides broncs/rides me.
Mechanic/screws bolts/screws me.
Soldier/shoots guns/shoots cum.
Guitarist/plays licks/licks me.
Hasher/runs trail/snores.
Tailor/sews thread/sews me.
Pimp/beats whores/beats me.
Carpenter/bangs nails/bangs me.
Truck driver/grinds gears/grinds me.
Postman/stuffs letter boxes/stuffs me.
Student/fucks off/fucks me.
Plumber/lays pipe/lays me.
Postman/licks stamps/licks me.
Chef/eats this, he eats that/eats me.
Bricklayer/lays brick/lays me.
Lawyer/fucks you/fucks me.
Dentist/drills you/drills me .
Taxidermist/stuffs dead things/stuffs me.
Psychoanalyst/analyzes patients/anal-izes me.
Stool Pigeon/fingers crooks/fingers me.
The Engineer Song
An engineer told me before he died, Ah-hum,Ah-hum,
An engineer told me before he died,Ah-hum, ah-hum.
An engineer told me before he died,I have no reason to believe he lied,
Ah-hum, titty-bum, titty-bum, titty-bum,Ah-hum, titty-bum, titty-bum, titty-bum.
He had a wife with a cunt so wide,Ah-hum, Ah-hum,
He had a wife with a cunt so wide,Ah-hum, ah-hum.
He had a wife with a cunt so wide,That she could never be satisfied,
Ah-hum, titty-bum, titty-bum, titty-bum,Ah-hum, titty-bum, titty-bum, titty-bum.
So he built a bloody great wheel, ...Two balls of brass and a prick of steel, ...
The balls of brass he filled with cream, ...And the whole fucking issue was driven by steam, ...
He tied her to the leg of the b...Tied her hands above her head, ...
There she lay demanding a fuck, ...He shook her hand and wished her luck, ...
'Round and 'round went the bloody great wheel, ...In and out went the prick of steel, ...
Up and up went the level of steam, ...Down and down went the level of cream, ...
'Till at last the maiden cri...Enough, enough, I'm satisfi...
Now we come to the tragic bit, ...There was no way of stopping it, ...
She was split from ass to tit, ...And the whole fucking thing was covered in shit, ...
It jumped off her, it jumped on him, ...And then it buggered their next of kin, ...
It jumped on an uptown bus, ...And the mess it made caused quite a fuss, ...
The last time, Sir, that prick was seen, ...It was over in England fucking the Queen, ...
There is a moral to the story I tell, ...If you see it coming better run like hell, ...
Nine months later a child was born, ...With two brass balls and a bloody great horn, ...
Irian Jaya
(To: Mull of Kintyre)
Far have I traveled and much have I seen,
Had blow jobs from Bancis and fucked thingsobscene,
Been crippled by herpes and things far more dire
,But if you want a blow job go to Irian Jaya.
Irian Jaya,To be gobbled by natives is what I desire,
They practice on blowpipes in Irian Jaya.
Been rogered in Rio and poked in Peru
Been massaged in Manila and then had a screw,
Been fucked in Llanelli by a Welsh male boys'choir,
But for the height of perversion go to Irian Jaya.
Met a girl in the jungle with a bone through hernose,
Cunt like a mantrap and strong I suppose,
Bush like a yardbroom that's made out of wire,
So be careful of pussy in Irian Jaya.
Oh the skirt she was wearing was made out ofgrass,
It only just covered her sweet little ass,
I felt an erection getting higher and higher
,As I followed that lady from Irian Jaya.
She put down her basket, took hold of my tool,
Pulled back the foreskin and started to drool,
Curled her lips round it, and sir I'm no liar,
They still have headhunters in Irian Jaya.
At The Gangbang
The Gangbang, oh yes I will
Because a gangbang gives me such a thrill.
When I was younger and in my prime,
I used to gangbang all the time.
But now I'm older and turning grey,
I only gangbang twice a day.
Knock knock. Who's there? Sheila. Sheila who?
She loves to be at…
Knock knock. Who's there? Eisenhower. Eisenhower who?
I's an hour late for the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Washington. Washington who?
Washing a ton of sheets after the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Claira. Claira who?
Claira place off the table for the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Nixon. Nixon who?
Nex' in line for the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Herb. Herb who?
Her brother loves to ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Erma. Erma who?
Her mother loves to ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Mona. Mona who?
Moan a little louder and we'll all join the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Uripities. Uripities who?
Uripities pants off for the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Betty. Betty who?
Betty didn't know it was his girl on the
bottom of the pile at the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Ida. Ida who
Ida love a ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Charlie Pride. Charlie Pride who?
Charlie Pride her pants off at the ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Wilma. Wilma who?
Wilma finger keep me satisfied 'till the next ...
My God How the Money Rolls In!
My father makes book on the corner
My mother makes illicit gin
My sister sells kisses to sailors
My God how the money rolls in
Rolls in, rolls in,
My God how the money rolls in, rolls in
Rolls in, rolls in,
My God how the money rolls in.
My mother’s a bawdyhouse keeper
Every night when the evening grows dim
She hangs out a little red lantern
My God how the money rolls in.
My cousin’s a Harley Street surgeon
With instruments long, short and thin
He only does one operation
My God how the money rolls in.
My sister’s a barmaid in Sydney,
For a shilling she’ll strip to the skin.
She’s stripping from morning to midnight,
My God how the money rolls in.
My brother-in-law is a Hasher,
Who wanders around the hash bar,
He’s picking up business for sister,
My God how the money rolls in.
My brother’s a poor missionary,
He saves fallen women from sin.
He’ll save you a blonde for a guinea,
My God how the money rolls in.
My sister-in-law is a Hasher,
She lays trails year out and year in,
But when she lays hounds in the bushes,
My God how the money rolls in.
My Grandad sells cheap prophylactics,
And punctures the teats with a pin.
For Grandma gets rich from abortions,
My God how the money rolls in.
Uncle Joe is a registered plumber,
His business in holes and in tin.
He’ll plug up your hole for a tanner,
My God how the money rolls in.
Aunt Mary makes deals with the milkman,
The mailman and newsboy named Ben.
For a piece of pie and Aunt Mary,
My God how the money rolls in.
Uncle Tommy was once in a prison,
Where he was a joy to the men,
Now he bends over for business,
My God how the money rolls in.
Aunt Joan keeps a girl’s seminary,
Teaching young girls to begin.
She doesn’t say where they will finish,
My God how the money rolls in.
Uncle Harry is carving out candles,
From wax that is surgically soft.
He hopes it’ll fill up the gap,
If ever his business is off.
I’ve lost all me cash on the horses,
I’m sick from the illicit gin.
I’m falling in love with me sister,
My God what a mess I am in.
My aunt keeps a girl’s seminary,
Teaching young girls to begin,
She doesn’t say where they will finish,
My God how the money rolls in.
I’ve shares in the very best companies,
In tramways, tobacco, and tin,
And brothels in Rio de Janeiro,
My God how the money rolls in.
My brother Jim whittles out candles,
From wax that is exceptionally soft,
He says it will come in real handy,
If ever his business falls off.
I’ve lost my way off of the hash trail,
I can’t find the beer at the end.
I’ve got to spot flour by nightfall,
My God will you please let this end!
The S&M Man
Who can take his bicycle,
Take away the seat,
Put his girlfriend on it,
Ride her down a bumpy street?
The S & M man, Oh, the S & M man,
The S & M man because he mixes it with love,
And makes the hurt feel good.
The hurt feel good.
Who can take a hammer,
Shove it up her twat,
Move it back and forth,
‘Til he finds her G-spot,
Who can take a hammer,
Wave it overhead,
And slam it on his pecker,
‘Til he wishes he were dead?
Who would use machinery,
To masturbate at work,
Rip off his left testis,
And pretend it didn’t hurt?
Who can take a glass rod,
Shove it up his prick,
Put it on the table,
And smash it with a brick?
Who can take a Catholic Priest,
Bend him over the pew,
Fuck him up the ass,
Till he screams that he’s a Jew?
Who can take a puppy,
Hold it by the ears,
Fuck it in the ass,
Until it sheds those puppy tears?
Who can take a Harriette,
Lay her on the bed,
Look between her thighs,
then masturbate instead.
Beastiality’s Best
Beastiality’s best, boys, beastiality’s best…
(Echo) Fuck a wallaby!
Beastiality’s best, boys, beastiality’s best!
1Shove your log in a dog, boys,
Shove your log in a dog.
(Echo) Fuck a wallaby!
(You’ve gotta) shove your log in a dog, boys,
Shove your log in a dog…
(Songmaster:) All together now!
2 Up the rear of a deer…etc.
3 Intercourse with a horse…
4 Have a fuck with a duck…
5 Chuck your sperm in a worm…
6 Lick the twat of a cat…
7 Do an illegal with an eagle…
8 Up the hole of a mole…
9 Give some cock to a croc…
10 Shoot your load in a toad…
I used to work in Chicago,
The old department store,
I used to work in Chicago,
I don’t work there anymore.
Songmaster: A woman came in for a computer,
Pack repeats: A computer from the store.
Songmaster: A computer she wanted, my Wang she got. I don’t work there anymore.
A lady came in for a beer…
Six pack she wanted, ate she got…
A lady came in for a seafood…
Lobster she wanted, crabs she got…
A lady came in for a floppy disk…
Floppy disk she wanted, my hard drive she got…
There is a bear in the deep dark woods,
Yogi, Yogi,
There is a bear in the deep dark woods,
Yogi, Yogi Bear.
Yogi, Yogi Bear!
Yogi, Yogi Bear!
There is a bear in the deep dark woods,
Yogi, Yogi Bear.
Yogi has a little friend,
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo
Yogi has a little friend,
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear!
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear!
Yogi has a little friend,
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear
Boo-Boo has a girlfriend, Cindy, Cindy.
Cindy has a girlfriend too, Klondike, Klondike
Cindy doesn’t shave her snatch, Grizzly, Grizzly
Cindy wears crotchless undies, Teddy, Teddy
Cindy likes it on the ice, Polar, Polar
Cindy likes it up the ass, brown bear, brown bear
Cindy boyfriend has no teeth, Gummi, Gummi
Cindy snatch it smells like cheese, Camembert
Boo-Boo likes it upside down, Koala, Koala (KOALA’S NOT A BEAR!)
Yogi has a twelve-inch cock, black bear, black bear
Boo Boo says he has one too, liar, liar
Boo-Boo's only three feet tall, Yogi's a lucky bear
This song’s gone on way too long,
More than, more than,
This song’s gone on way too long,
More than I can bear.
More than I can bear,
More than I can bear,
This song’s gone on way too long,
More than I can bear.