Tuesday, September 09, 2008


* Broken toe is doing well. I walked to the subway from my hilly house and then from the other end to work, traversing about 8 million stairs along the way (if you've been in a Korean subway station, you'll know what I mean). It doesn't hurt too much and I've learned how to stop my foot at the ball, so I hobble pretty damn fast.

* Still a 50/50 chance that toenail isn't gonna make it. I was a real little MacGuiver today and tacked it to let some of the pressure underneath out (and then covered it in a ton of antibacterial crap). It's looking less purple. We'll see.

* A grade 5 student was wearing a T-shirt that said Junior Hussy - and I didn't have my camera!

* Smoked some hookah tonight - I have been craving it for a couple of weeks.

* Won a quiz at the Orange Tree, but with a friend's team, so it wasn't quite the same. Still, I like to win.

* Overheard someone while walking by Phillie's say, "I haven't seen the book or read the movie." Laughed my ass off.

* Love, love, love my SAT prep class. Sooooooo funny. And it's grammar class!

* Am reading the best book right now.

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