Sunday, September 07, 2008

Broken Toe - the Photo Essay

It should be noted that half the problem was that my sink was not attached to either the wall or the floor. It was loose enough that it moved if I put any weight on it at all. Unfortunately I did just that and it crashed to the floor.


Mind Set said...

Ouch. I love the fact that you thought to take pictures though ... you're such a journalist. Hope your toe is better soon! :-S

Sofiya said...

Aieee! Get thee to a doctor, my dear. You need to be able to walk!! God, if that happened in this country, you could sue the pants off your landlord. Maybe that isn't the way in Korea, though?

Amanda said...

Haha! Nope! Amusingly, the first thing I thought to do was take pictures. Should have done a close up of the toe too, because it was much more spectacularly purple yesterday.

antijen said...

Oh no, how's the toe? That must hurt terribly!

Amanda said...

It's not that bad actually. It does hurt when I put weight on it, but more because the toenail is threatening to pop off. Assuming that doesn't happen, I'll just be taping my toes together for a couple of weeks. I've broken toes before - it's not too bad.