Monday, June 01, 2009

It's Likely All Downhill Until Friday Now

I've started this week out on too much of a high, caused by the fact that I had a restful weekend (PMS Hash, lots of reading, good quiz) and then found 50,000 won in a book. It's in the old Korean money which I almost never see anymore and it's from at least a year ago, though judging by how long I've owned the book, it could be two years old. Either way, why I couldn't have found this last week when I was broke and not three days after payday, I don't know.

I don't have to work until 4 tomorrow! Woot for extra sleep in time before the gym, errands being run and taking the subway to work. Or that's the plan, anyway...


MsTypo said...

The literacy faeries left you money. Yay! :)

Amanda said...

Reading DOES pay off ;)